Time Management Makes the World Go Round

No matter what a client needs in our sessions together, we always end up talking about time management in one form or another. Email Management Time management goes hand-in-hand with email management. We spend so much time on email that it has to be a huge part of our overall time management strategy. Paper vs. Electronic [...]

Inbox Zero…Good or Bad?

I've had several clients lately who felt like they needed to get to Inbox Zero with their email. One client said she has that embarrassed tightness in her gut when people give her "a look" because of the number of emails shown on her phone or computer. She feels like she should conform to what society says is "good" - [...]

2025-02-28T10:33:36-06:00Blog, Business Organizing, Email, Outlook, Productivity, Tech Organizing|Comments Off on Inbox Zero…Good or Bad?

Good Triggers and Bad Triggers

My life has been full lately - in both the good and bad ways. Everything from covid to an amazing month for my business have reminded me about triggers. First, I'll talk about what I would call the "bad" triggers. These are the things that set us off, also known as the "buttons" that can be [...]

2025-03-07T00:05:43-06:00Blog, Email, Perfectionism, Time Management|Comments Off on Good Triggers and Bad Triggers

Do you Suffer From Information Overload?

I don't think it's been listed as a true medical condition yet, but Information Overload is a very real, very unhealthy problem. And I have it. I'll just put it out there. Should I quarantine? Haha. Do you have it? Many of us do, but we don't want to admit it. Information overload is when you [...]

2025-02-14T01:36:17-06:00Blog, Business Organizing, Email, Home Office Organizing, Perfectionism, Productivity, Time Management|Comments Off on Do you Suffer From Information Overload?

Are There Shortcuts in Life?

  I had a great conversation with my client today about people who sign up for programs expecting the "get rich quick" schemes. We were dismayed at the number of people who won't take any action when they realize they've found a program that takes effort and time, even though it will likely create lasting wealth when [...]

Outlook Productivity in a Nutshell

With a lot of us working from home, hopefully the following Outlook productivity tips will help you increase the work you're able to accomplish. Choose the one idea that resonates the most with you and start to implement it, one small step at a time.    Create Rules so that Outlook does some of [...]

5 Tips to Increase Your Gmail Productivity

Today we'll talk about ways to be productive in Gmail. A lot of my clients are intimidated by Gmail because it looks so different from other email programs. When my husband first started using Gmail, he hated it. However, after taking some time to get used to how Gmail works and implementing some of the [...]

Ways to Combat Digital Hoarding

This is a topic near and dear to my heart. I will readily admit that I have some digital hoarding tendencies. See if you relate to some of these scenarios: Oh, that video on Facebook looks fun, but I don't have time to watch it now, I'll put it in [...]

Outlook Task “Magic”ment

Have you ever wondered "What's an Outlook task?" Or, if you already use them, have you wondered how to do more with Outlook tasks? It's time to reveal the secrets of Outlook task "magic"ment...uh, management...so it's no longer a mystery. What is an Outlook task?  According to Microsoft: "Many people keep [...]

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