Time Management Makes the World Go Round

No matter what a client needs in our sessions together, we always end up talking about time management in one form or another. Email Management Time management goes hand-in-hand with email management. We spend so much time on email that it has to be a huge part of our overall time management strategy. Paper vs. Electronic [...]

Bumps in the Road to Reach a Business I Love

As I told you last month, I began my business in 2011 to effect change for myself and my clients after spending several years feeling like I made no difference in the world in my corporate job. As any business owner knows, there are A LOT of bumps in the road to creating a business you love [...]

Efficiency is Meaningless Without Impact

Ten years ago I was working in the customer service department of a large company, and I knew something was missing. I had helped my department create processes and efficiency, but how was I making a difference in the world? Although it was a good job with good people, I didn't feel like I was making a [...]

2025-02-25T11:54:09-06:00Blog, Business Organizing, Productivity, Time Management|Comments Off on Efficiency is Meaningless Without Impact

Inbox Zero…Good or Bad?

I've had several clients lately who felt like they needed to get to Inbox Zero with their email. One client said she has that embarrassed tightness in her gut when people give her "a look" because of the number of emails shown on her phone or computer. She feels like she should conform to what society says is "good" - [...]

2025-02-28T10:33:36-06:00Blog, Business Organizing, Email, Outlook, Productivity, Tech Organizing|Comments Off on Inbox Zero…Good or Bad?

Make Sure Your Time is Really Your Time

Lately I've been struggling to keep up with everything, and I end up dipping into time I had set aside for myself. Can you relate? My suggestion to you (and to me) is to make sure your time is really your time. What I mean by this is to set the boundary that once you put [...]

2025-03-23T22:42:22-05:00Blog, Business Organizing, Perfectionism, Productivity, Time Management|Comments Off on Make Sure Your Time is Really Your Time

Do you Suffer From Information Overload?

I don't think it's been listed as a true medical condition yet, but Information Overload is a very real, very unhealthy problem. And I have it. I'll just put it out there. Should I quarantine? Haha. Do you have it? Many of us do, but we don't want to admit it. Information overload is when you [...]

2025-02-14T01:36:17-06:00Blog, Business Organizing, Email, Home Office Organizing, Perfectionism, Productivity, Time Management|Comments Off on Do you Suffer From Information Overload?

The Value of Password Managers

Okay, all cards on the table - I don't have a degree in IT (Information Technology), so the things that I share with you are from my experience over 10 years of working with folks on their computers. I think this fact actually helps me to better serve you because I'm not trained in all [...]

Lose Your Limiting Beliefs

For the last 3 months, I've been working with a life coach. I find that the accountability and connection of having someone "hold my hand" when I'm trying to make significant changes in my life is essential. One of the things we've worked on is limiting beliefs. For those of you who aren't familiar [...]

10 Tips to Defeat the Avoidance Monster

Have you had the experience of avoiding a project over and over and having no idea why? Me, too. Avoidance is a common behavior when we feel overwhelmed or anxious about a project. Here are 5 tips to help you stop avoiding:   Break it down Sometimes a project can feel overwhelming when viewed as [...]

16 Ways to be Kind to Yourself as a Business Owner

This year has been all about health for me: Reducing the hours I work, joining a gym with my husband and finding a therapist are some of the big changes I've made. However, I don't always remember that adding new things, healthy things, to my daily and weekly routines means that I don't have [...]

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