5 ADHD Tips That Can Help Us All
We often hear people say in passing "I must have ADHD" when they do something that they think is an ADHD tendency. The reality is that ADHD is different for everyone who has it. [...]
How to get to-do’s done
Do you write down all of your to-do’s and find that you never complete the list? Are you one of those people who writes “make list” just so you can cross it off? I’ve [...]
One of the Best Shortcuts EVER!
Do you find yourself constantly opening 20 windows on your computer and flipping between them over and over all day long? It may not feel like you're losing productivity while that's happening, but you [...]
Never Lose a Computer File Again!
We've all had the problem of creating several versions of a document and then digging through them to find the one we're looking for, right? The best way to solve this is through the [...]
Spring Cleaning for your Technology
Why do we spring clean our house, our Facebook friends, and our yards but not our technology? We spend time going through paperwork and clothes to get rid of the old and make way [...]
Gateway Productivity’s Top 7 Productivity Rules
The habits are more important than the tool - Pick something and stick with it. You can always take your habits and apply them to a better tool later. Set a timer - Work for a [...]