How to Move Multiple Files at Once
Have you ever looked at your "My Documents" or "Pictures" folder and felt overwhelmed? Maybe it's time for you to create some folders to house some of those files (documents, pictures, PDFs, etc). So [...]
The Top 5 Tips for Giving a Productive Presentation
I was recently interviewed for a podcast, and I'd like to share with you the top 5 tips that I found to be most important while preparing for that interview. These tips can be [...]
The Beauty of Email Auto-Responders
Did you know that almost every email program allows for auto-responder/vacation messages? There are several ways you can use this feature in your email. Some are straight-forward, but a couple are “outside the box.” Send [...]
Resolutions or no resolutions: that is the question
Are you someone who makes exciting resolutions that seem doable at the time, but by February, you've given up? Here's a great article from Women's Health to help you make more sustainable (and meaningful) [...]
Holiday Cards the Easy Way
The holidays are here again, and many of us dread the whole holiday card process. We love sending heartfelt notes to our family and friends, but who wants to hand-address tons of envelopes? Have [...]
Rethinking the Importance of Productivity
This may sound funny as someone who makes a living in the business of productivity, but here it is. I hate the word productivity. (Should have thought of that before we named our business, [...]