What is the Cloud?
What is "The Cloud" anyway?? It's much simpler than most people realize: It is almost anything that exists online (on the internet). Your email is in the cloud, Facebook is in the cloud, Netflix [...]
All about Digital Photos – August Tuesday Tech Training Videos
What a glorious feeling to be on vacation, taking tons of pictures with your phone or camera. Making memories! But when you get home, the number of photos you took smacks you in the [...]
Rethinking Time Management: It’s the Habits, Not the Tools
Have you ever found yourself searching for just the right planner, calendar, app, or system in an attempt to tackle challenges with time management? The good news is, you are not alone. I've given [...]
All about Zoom – July Tuesday Tech Training Videos
With the new virtual world everyone was pushed into this year, many are struggling to keep up with the technology required to stay relevant. To help those who feel they aren't tech-savvy, we've created [...]
Attack Email with a Battle Plan
When working on emails do you lose hours of time and wonder what you accomplished when you're done? Do you feel like you're fighting a losing battle before you even begin? You're not alone. [...]
3 Ways to Focus During a Pandemic
If you're like me, you've struggled for the last month or more to figure out what to do next. And why did I lose my ability to prioritize and focus on what's important? Here [...]