
5 Ways Productivity and Rest Are Intertwined

Categories: Blog, Business Organizing, Productivity, Time Management|

It may seem counterintuitive that rest is so important to productivity. But if you really think about it, you get more done when you feel better rested, right? What if you put the priority on [...]

Lessons I Learned From Losing My Facebook Account

Categories: Blog, Productivity, Tech Organizing|

Lessons I Learned From Losing My Facebook Account I know, after reading that title, you're probably wondering how a technology trainer could have technology trouble. But I promise I'm just like you with a [...]

Use Folder Set Templates to Save Time

Categories: Blog, Business Organizing, Productivity, Tech Organizing, Time Management|

Imagine that next month you suddenly get an unexpected huge inflow of clients from a marketing piece you created. Will you be overwhelmed by the number of new folders and documents you need to create [...]

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