New Outlook Ribbon – Youtube Video Transcript
Tuesday Tech Training is a video series to help you better navigate your technology and increase productivity. In this video, learn all about the New Outlook ribbon. You will learn what changed from Classic Outlook [...]
Bumps in the Road to Reach a Business I Love
As I told you last month, I began my business in 2011 to effect change for myself and my clients after spending several years feeling like I made no difference in the world in my corporate job. [...]
Efficiency is Meaningless Without Impact
Ten years ago I was working in the customer service department of a large company, and I knew something was missing. I had helped my department create processes and efficiency, but how was I making a [...]
Inbox Zero…Good or Bad?
I've had several clients lately who felt like they needed to get to Inbox Zero with their email. One client said she has that embarrassed tightness in her gut when people give her "a look" because of the number [...]
Good Triggers and Bad Triggers
My life has been full lately - in both the good and bad ways. Everything from covid to an amazing month for my business have reminded me about triggers. First, I'll talk about what I would [...]
Make Sure Your Time is Really Your Time
Lately I've been struggling to keep up with everything, and I end up dipping into time I had set aside for myself. Can you relate? My suggestion to you (and to me) is to make [...]