About Jennifer Stewart

Jennifer Stewart has been patiently empowering her clients to understand their computers and technology tools since 2011. She teaches her clients to reduce computer frustration and disorganization, eliminate email overwhelm and understand Microsoft programs. Her passion comes from helping her clients create those lightbulb moments when their life suddenly becomes easier because they have learned something new about technology and their digital world. Jennifer is a recognized industry leader and is the immediate past president of the St. Louis chapter of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals.

5 ADHD Tips That Can Help Us All

We often hear people say in passing "I must have ADHD" when they do something that they think is an ADHD tendency. The reality is that ADHD is different for everyone who has it. Some people with ADHD will have a hard time focusing, some will have a hard time stopping their focus, and [...]

How to get to-do’s done

Do you write down all of your to-do’s and find that you never complete the list? Are you one of those people who writes “make list” just so you can cross it off? I’ve gone through the same issues myself, and I still struggle with them.  But I want to share with you some [...]

One of the Best Shortcuts EVER!

Do you find yourself constantly opening 20 windows on your computer and flipping between them over and over all day long? It may not feel like you're losing productivity while that's happening, but you could be losing several minutes every day as you bounce around to find what you're looking for. This adds up [...]

Never Lose a Computer File Again!

We've all had the problem of creating several versions of a document and then digging through them to find the one we're looking for, right? The best way to solve this is through the use of naming conventions. You need to assign categories, dates, and other specific identifying data to files to easily keep track [...]

Spring Cleaning for your Technology

Why do we spring clean our house, our Facebook friends, and our yards but not our technology?  We spend time going through paperwork and clothes to get rid of the old and make way for the new, and we should do the same with electronic files (documents, photos, etc.), email and apps. Electronic files Documents: [...]

Gateway Productivity’s Top 7 Productivity Rules

The habits are more important than the tool - Pick something and stick with it. You can always take your habits and apply them to a better tool later. Set a timer - Work for a set time 10, 15 or 30 minutes, but no more than 90 minutes at a time without a break. Be [...]

5 Tips to Increase Productivity at Work During the Holidays

Staying productive during the holidays can be a nightmare. You have that huge list of things to do outside of work, so how can you focus and stay productive at work? Here are 5 tips to increase productivity during the holidays so you can enjoy yourself and still get things done. 1. Consider or [...]

Productive Networking

With the cooling autumn weather and a fresh new season, why not set a fresh goal to get out there and network more? Give your business one big final push before the end of the year arrives. If your networking experiences are anything like ours, you often leave feeling invigorated, motivated, and with a [...]

The Top 5 Email Productivity Tips to Overcome Your Overwhelm

Email is still proven to be the biggest use of time for most business owners and executives. How can you get your email back under control when it's become such a time hog? Implement one or two of the following tips to start feeling relief from your email overwhelm. 1. Most people spend at [...]

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